Thursday, 23 April 2015

Thyroid Madness - And so it begins

As I sit here writing the next part of my blog, my head pounds and my back aches.  I struggled to get myself out of bed today. The person sitting beside me wouldn't even have any idea that I felt this way, I still have a smile on my face and I never complain.

Me aged 15 (back left)
It all started from a young age.  I was 13 years old and super excited about starting high school.  I missed the first two weeks of high school as I was in hospital.  Yep this was the start of it.  My doctors told my mum I had an eating disorder and she needed to keep a close eye on me... The reason I wasn't eating was because it physically hurt and it would come straight back up as soon as I ate something, so no dick head I didn't have an eating disorder. They didnt bother checking for other things so I was discharged. Thanks for that, this could have been picked up a long time ago! I have always known that "something wasnt right".

I also suffer from chronic migraines, so from very early age I would be hospitalised up to 7 times a year with the most insane pain I have ever experienced. Hospitals have become my second home.  I remember one particular time I all of a sudden lost my vision my words started to slur and I was rushed to the hospital.  Migraine, Migraine, Migraine.  I have only just learnt in the past couple of years that migraines and thyroid conditions go hand in hand, who would of thought?! In my first blog I wrote about struggling to mantain my body temperature, the thyroid system is supposed to maintain normal body temperatures. Low body temperatures can result in recurrent migraines..... hmmmmm you would have thought after 13 years off suffering with migraines and having every test known to man and every other "strange" thing that was happening with my body that someone should have connected the dots somewhere.

Going through my teens and high school was not an easy road but I never gave up.  I was ALWAYS sick and this is where my weight started to yoyo.  I'm sure my friends thought I was putting it on, it just never seemed to end.

I was the class clown at school, a very outgoing bubbly girl and still am to this day although I struggled with anxiety and often looked at myself in the mirror and hated the way I looked. One minute I was tiny the next minute I was big again, what a nightmare especially for a young girl. Again shouldn't this have been picked up?  I was so sick of the doctors telling me I was a hypochondriac and nothing was wrong with me... HA how wrong you were!

Ashton X

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Are you on the right medication?

Being on the right medication and the correct dosage is so so important. When my thyroid was first removed I was placed on the standard med...